Jesus Christ, the Reason for this Season,
was born KING - MATTHEW 2:2
Bro'Ken Fabre'

Approximately 2 years after Jesus had been born in a manger in the town of Bethlehem of Judea, wise men finally arrived asking, " Where is He who has been born King." Please notice, not 'born Prince' not 'born Heir to a throne' but "Born KING"
This Christmas season, we and those we love and lead, will be wise and do well to embrace this revelation, historical fact and reality. Jesus Christ, from the womb of Mary, entered this earth and world and immediately assumed the Throne of the Kingdom of His Father, ( the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel ) as LORD of Lords and The KING of all Kings.
Have a very Merry and Blessed Christmas Season as we enter the Year of our LORD 2015
Since 2003, POPAPIC has humbly endeavored to be an instrument of Helps to the 'Body of Christ' as directed by the Spirit of the LORD, in Service to the KINGDOM of God by numerous, diverse and practical ways and means.
The LORD has continued to build a solid platform to further strengthen and unify the Kingdom conscious components of His Church and Body and to impact the market places, local and regional governments and other arenas and communities through the annual POPAPIC Servant-Leaders Summit-Conference. [watch short Video Ad ]
The Year of Our LORD 2015 promises to establish many significant advances of the Kingdom of our LORD within the hearts, minds and spirits of many souls and within the affairs of men. On behalf of POPAPIC and it's Board, we want to thank you for your prayers and love seed financial support in the past and future.
To Help us continue to Help many others, we humbly request that you commit a small monthly love seed/donation of not more than $25.00 to POPAPIC through our secure GIVE link on the website or by mailing it each month to P.O. Box 776, Baker, La. 70704.
Bro'Ken Fabre'