His statement has ever since had a profound effect and impact upon my approach to God the Father and my continuing relationship-fellowship with Him and as a result of the leadership influences of Apostle Nelson, Wade Taylor and Dr. Myles Munroe beginning in the early 1990’s,
POPAPIC, Inc. (People of Potential and Purpose In Christ) was eventually founded at the direction and mandate of the LORD.
We as Servant-Leaders must continue to understand that our
Leadership Domainemanates directly from the Purpose for which we were born. As Servant-Leaders, we were created and are constantly being developed and trained to serve the will and intentions of the Ancient of Days, while at the same time over the course of life, totally fulfill His particular leadership assignments designated to each of us individually. Ultimately, we are to rule, reign and administrate with Him in the expansion and establishment of His Kingdom here on earth and abroad.
There is no doubt a desperate need in this global and rapid information age, not necessarily for a greater number of intelligent or gifted leaders, but for
deep leaders. However, a leader whose life is to be marked by the evidences of depth can often only be cultivated during regular periods or seasons of time voluntarily spent in
obscurity and
solitude with the LORD. In order to be truly effective Servant-Leaders, we must possess certain dimensions of depth within our specific areas of leadership. Therefore, quietness, solitude and even obscurity are vital necessities in this aspect of our continuing leadership development and spiritual training.
A perusal of the historical document called Holy Scripture shows that those used greatly… such as Moses, David, Joseph, Elijah, John the Baptist, Jesus the Christ and Paul, to list a few… were first called and then prepared for their mighty exploits during times spent in quietness, obscurity and solitude. Most of them did not have the luxury of choice but were placed on their respective ‘Retreat-Advances’ by a set of divinely arranged circumstances. As Servant-Leaders in today’s extreme paced, culturally diverse and often controversial global society, we must endeavor to regularly set aside time to be apart and alone with our Creator so that He, as only He can, further nurture and maintain the
depth of Godly character demanded by our purpose and by those for whom we are responsible to love and lead.
Many of us as Servant-Leaders must manage public lives no matter what our spheres of influence and responsibility may be. However, it is critical, as evinced from Apostle Nelson’s candid statement to me, that we cultivate a
hidden life as well, wherein we put into practice the personal discipline of
coming apart for brief and extended periods of time to be alone with
Him. This is critically necessary, if we are to have true, monumental, and lasting effectiveness in our assigned areas of leadership.
by Kenneth R. Fabre’, Founder-President of POPAPIC, Inc. www.POPAPIC.org